Monday, November 5, 2018

30 Day Journey of Gratitude - Day 5

Psa 50:13-15, 23  Do you really think I eat bull meat? Or drink goat’s blood? Set out a sacrifice I can accept: your thankfulness. Be true to your word to the Most High. When you are in trouble, call for Me. I will come and rescue you, and you will honor Me.” Set out a sacrifice I can accept: your thankfulness. Do this, and you will honor Me. Those who straighten up their lives will know the saving grace of God." (The Voice Bible)

So often we act as though our service to God is all that we should do.  We act as if our obligatory sacrifices is all that we need to do to honor God.   When we offer anything to God, be it our tithes and offering, our service, or even our church attendance from the posture of duty, bargaining, or self-righteousness God is not honored or pleased.

We often seek favor with God by the outward things we do. We only deceive ourselves when we think our perfunctory “Practices and Performance” are pleasing to God.  When we operate in this level of deception we measure our spirituality by how much we give, how often we attend church, etc. While we should not minimize and belittle these things, they are not the measuring rod. 

The thing that God wants is not our material sacrifices, but rather, a heart that is filled with thanksgiving. In today’s text, God asks do you really think that I consume your sacrifices? The sacrifice he desires is a sacrifice of thanksgiving, an offering given from a joyful heart because you recognize and acknowledge that all that you have is a gift from Him. When we get to that point being true to our promise or commitment to God will become second nature. 

When we give the sacrifice of thanksgiving this text promise three things: we will truly honor God, when we call on God in our troubles he will come and rescue us, and we will know the saving grace of God.

Gracious Lord, today I come to you with a heart of thanksgiving.  I am grateful for all that you have done for me. When I look back over my life and all you have done for me my soul cries out Hallelujah – Thanks you Lord. AMEN.

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