Wednesday, November 7, 2018

30 Day Journey of Gratitude - Day 6

Psalm 69:30-33 The name of the True God will be my song, an uplifting tune of praise and thanksgiving! My praise will please the Eternal more than if I were to sacrifice an ox or the finest bull. (Horns, hooves, and all!) Those who humbly serve will see and rejoice! All you seekers-after-God will revive your souls! The Eternal listens to the prayers of the poor and has regard for His people held in bondage. (The Voice Bible)

There are times in our lives when it feels like we have been forgotten by God, abandoned by family, kicked to the curb by friends, and overcome and overtaken by your enemies.  It is easy to fall into this place of woe is me. But David shows us once again how to glorify God in our suffering.

In this Psalm of Lament, David complains to God about his enemies. He points out to God all the false witnesses. David recounts all the insults. He shares his sense of abandonment by his friends and family.  David even endured poisoning. After reciting all of his pain and asking God to take out those who brought on the pain and persecution, David turned not to complain, but to lift up a tune of thanksgiving to God.

In this song of thanksgiving, David acknowledged that his praise would please God more than his sacrifice of the choicest bull. David shifted his focus from his pain and misery to praising God.  His focus shifted to what would please God.

David teaches us that we can acknowledge our situations. We don’t have to mask them from God. We don’t have to pretend with God that we are “Blessed and highly favored.” We can be real and raw with God.  David teaches us we can’t stay in that place of despair, that we have to move from focusing on our pain/pleasure to desiring to honor and please God.

Father, so often I come to you and list all my grievances and concerns and telling you my desires in situations but I never acknowledge that you are the source of all my comfort. There are times that I come to you and fake the praise, but I hurt so bad that I feel like I am just going through the motions. Help me be real, authentic, and transparent with you. Then Lord, help me to be like David to get to the place that I please you as I move to the sacrifice of thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name AMEN

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