Thursday, November 8, 2018

30 Day Journey of Gratitude - Day 8

Jonah 1: 17, 2:9-10 17The Eternal didn’t let Jonah die. He chose a large fish to swallow Jonah; for three days and three nights the prophet Jonah sat safely inside the belly of this fish. … But I will sing to You and sacrifice to You with a voice filled with thanksgiving; Whatever I promised, I will certainly pay it because deliverance is from the Eternal alone. 10Then the Eternal One directed the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto the shore. (The Voice Bible)

Even in our disobedience to God, He continually works to get us to the point of aligning ourselves with Him.  Jonah was chosen by God to be a prophetic messenger to the people of Nineveh. Jonah, knowing of God’s nature to be merciful and forgiving was reluctant to give the word because he knew if the people repented God would relent. Because of God’s nature, Jonah chose to not go to Nineveh.

Because of Jonah’s disobedience, he put not only his life but the lives of an entire ship in jeopardy as a storm came that they could not maneuver through or around. When the crew determined that it was because of Jonah and that they were powerless to resist God and get to safety, they threw Jonah overboard. One Jonah was overboard the storm ceased the ship was safe.

God in his mercy did not allow Jonah to die, he had a large fish to swallow Jonah. For three days and night Jonah was in the belly of the Fish. In Chapter two Jonah recounts the details of his adventure once thrown overboard. He recounted the near drowning, the sense of being imprisoned, and the sense of hopelessness and then he remembered the Lord and prayed.

Thankfulness comes from remembering God’s loving-kindness. Once we remember, we should as Jonah, sing and sacrifice to God filled with thanksgiving.  This heart of gratitude should also give us an urgency about fulfilling our vows and commitments to God.

For Jonah, he got to the point that he was worshipping God with a grateful heart from the belly of the fish. From a place of gratitude, he acknowledged that salvation comes from God and vowed to fulfill all that he had promised God he would do.  At that point, God released him from his confinement.

1.      Are there areas of your life where you are resistance to God’s way, will, or word?
2.      What storms are you facing that is negatively impacting you and others because of your choices?
3.      What provisions have God used to protect you so that you can come to your senses/
4.      How can remembering God goodness to you and your becoming grateful change your situation?

Father God, you who are merciful, loving and kind, forgive me for my acts of rebellion against you. Thank you for the places though, uncomfortable, that you have prepared to sustain my life as I get to the place that I can remember your goodness and cry out to you with a heart filled with gratitude. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!!

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